Zoom integration with Blackboard has a simple interface that allows faculty to schedule, start, and manage meetings, and allows students to join Zoom meetings and access meeting recordings directly from Blackboard.

1. Find the Zoom Meeting Button

You will see your Zoom Meeting menu on the left bottom of your course menu.

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2. Options and Explanations on the Zoom Page

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There are options for four main pages before us.

  1. Upcoming Meetings
  2. Previous Meetingsi
  3. Personal Meeting Room
  4. Cloud Recordings

Let's examine this one by one:

1. Upcoming Meets

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In this section, you will see the meetings you have created and not yet held. You can also start the meeting immediately, without waiting for the start time by pressing the Start button.

2. Previous Meetings
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In this section, you will see the meetings held with their dates and times. You can view advanced details by clicking the Report option.

3. Personal Meeting Room

This is a meeting room permanently set up for you. You can make these adjustments and create your meeting by clicking Start This Meeting.

4. Cloud Recordings

Zoom records lectures on its platform. You can find these records in the Cloud Recordings section.

3. Creating a New Meeting

Below is a summary video on how to schedule a new meeting (virtual lesson sessions) for you Blackboar course.

When you create a new meeting, click the box that says Schedule a New Meeting. A new page will open for you to make the necessary settings.

Topic: Enter the name of the meeting here.

Description (optional): Preferably enter a short explanatory text about the content of the meeting here.

When: Enter information about the time of the meeting here.

Duration: Enter the information about how many minutes-hours the meeting will take here. This information is for planning. Your meeting will not end when the deadline is over.

Time Zone: The information in which time zone it should be. Uses the time zone on your profile unless you enter a different time zone. (It is fixed.)

Recurring Meeting: If you want the meeting to be arranged automatically at the same time intervals, you should check this box. Additional options will appear:

Recurrence: Choose how often you want the meeting to be refreshed. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or No Fixed Time. It can be repeated up to 50 times. If your meeting will be repeated more than 50 times, you should click on the No Fixed Time option.

In this section, additional options will appear depending on the recurrence option. You will be asked to enter the date and time of the meeting's repetition.

Registration: We check this box when you want to record the meeting.

Video Host-Participant: The option of whether the camera permission is allowed on the host and participants.

Audio: You can check the box for the necessary permission of where the users' voices will come from.

Meeting Options: Here are a few adjustments specific to Zoom:

  • Require meeting passcode: This option is required. The people attending the meeting will be asked to enter the password here.
  • Enable join before host: Ability to allow participants to join the meeting before the host.
  • Mute participants upon entry: If this box is clicked, the participants enter the meeting muted when they first enter the meeting. If they wish, they can open it themselves later.
  • Use personal meeting ID: If you want to create a meeting ID, this option should be checked. If not checked, a random ID is generated.
  • Enable waiting room: If this box is clicked, the participants cannot access the meeting until the host gives permission, they are kept on hold. The host must allow them to enter the meeting.
  • Record the meeting automatically on the local computer: If this box is clicked, the recording of the meeting is saved on the computer.

After all the processes are completed, a meeting will occur when the Save button is clicked.

Alternative Host: It is the duty of the host to initiate the meeting. But if you want to have more than one host (moderator), you must enter their e-mail addresses here. Only another Licensed user on the same account can be the alternative host. Students cannot be alternative hosts.

In order to invite guests to a session, copy the invite link from the Zoom Meeting button on your Blackboard course. Here's a video to shows you how to invite guests to your class Zoom sessions:

4. Information Required During the Meeting

5. Using Polls During Meetings